
,AmongtheSleep:EnhancedEditionisanewandimprovedversionoftheawardwinningfirstpersonhorroradventure.Inthegameyouplayasasmallchild ...,AmongtheSleepisafirst-personsurvivalhorroraction-adventurevideogamedevelopedbyNorwegiandeveloperKrillbiteStudioforMicrosoftWindows,OSX, ...,AmongtheSleepbenefitsfromafreshsettingandtheoddspookyset-piece,butit'sletdownbydisappointinglygenericpuzzlesandstiltedgamepl...

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition is a new and improved version of the award winning first person horror adventure. In the game you play as a small child ...

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep is a first-person survival horror action-adventure video game developed by Norwegian developer Krillbite Studio for Microsoft Windows, OS X, ...

Among the Sleep

Among the Sleep benefits from a fresh setting and the odd spooky set-piece, but it's let down by disappointingly generic puzzles and stilted gameplay. It takes ...

Among the Sleep

2019年5月30日 — Technically, Among the Sleep is adequate at best. It runs reasonably well, and everything's fairly clear and solid. But there's something about ...

Review Among The Sleep

2019年6月30日 — In Among the Sleep, it is a mostly linear adventure, one that can be somewhat repetitive. You make your way through one darkened room or area ...